Where to sell ammo in Fallout 76

Posted by Trudie Dory on Sunday, June 2, 2024

Fallout 76 is a game about surviving the difficult environment of post-apocalyptic Appalachia by whatever means necessary. Although that usually means wandering through forests and blasting whatever jumps out, players can get further ahead by selling off their precious bullets for profit.

There are many different ammo types in Bethesda's online answer to the long-running RPG franchise. Most players tend to have two or three favorite weapons, implying that they generally have other ammo that isn't of much use. Despite its uselessness, players still carry large amounts of unnecessary ammo and are better off getting rid of them efficiently.

Selling ammo in Fallout 76

Fallout 76 players probably remember the time before any friendly NPCs joined the game. Those long-time players might think that the existing wasteland vendors will buy ammo off them, but they'd be wrong.

The only way to sell ammunition is to set up a vending machine and make surplus ammo available to other players. This allows others to come and purchase whatever their fellow explorers have, but don't need.

To set up a vending machine, players must have a C.A.M.P. to serve as a base of operations. Players can choose the Vending Machine option from their homestead and then set up shop.

A Vending Machine only costs three units of steel and five units of wood. Players should generally memorize this recipe, so one can be set up at any moment. Furthermore, it takes three power units of energy to keep a Vending Machine operational.

Once set up, players can move 120 items from their stash box into the Vending Machine and put it all up for sale. Players can then set the prices and will receive 90% of the machine's profits, which ensures that they receive profit for items that normaly have no value.

Players will discover different payouts for different ammo types, with some always selling better than others. Lucky players can walk away with thousands of caps in passive income if they sell the right ammo for the right price.

The AmmoPoints Ammo Converter in Fallout 76

Fallout 76 players don't have to choose between carrying around useless bullets and trying to sell them off. Players can always turn those into points if their thousand rounds of .308 aren't exactly flying off the shelves.

The Ammo Converter allows players to sell ammo for points that can be traded for other ammo. This will allow them to transfer what they don't want for the ammo types that they do need. While not as useful as caps, it's far better than carrying all those bullets around.

To build the Ammo Converter, players must buy the plan from Mortimer for 1,250 gold bullion. Once players have it, they can freely transfer ammo into points and back from the safety of their C.A.M.P.

Selling ammo to fellow players or converting them into points are two great ways to get ahead in Fallout 76.

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