NCIS Hawaii Recap 04/22/24: Season 3 Episode 8 Into Thin Air

Posted by Trudie Dory on Tuesday, June 11, 2024

NCIS Hawai’i Recap 04/22/24: Season 3 Episode 8 "Into Thin Air"

Tonight on CBS NCIS Hawaiʻi returns with an all-new Monday, April 15, 2024, season 3 episode 8 called, “Into Thin Air,”and we have your weekly NCIS Hawaiʻi recap below.

In tonight’s NCIS Hawaiʻi season 3 episode 8, as per the CBS synopsis, “After a Marine’s wife is kidnapped for ransom, the NCIS team uncovers dark secrets as they race to track down her abductor before it’s too late.

Meanwhile, Sam seeks Ernie’s expertise decrypting a computer program that may have deadly ramifications.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10:00 PM – 11:00 PM ET for our NCIS recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our NCIS recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s NCIS Hawaiʻi Recap begins now – Refresh the Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s NCIS Hawai’i episode, the FBI was investigating an abduction on the island. The victim was Sadie Latham. She was the wife of Marine Master Sergeant Caleb Latham. He enlisted at eighteen. She’s been working since she was seventeen. They didn’t have the money that would interest kidnappers.

They were pure blue collar. Yet, the kidnappers grabbed Sadie in broad daylight. They didn’t even care about a dozen witnesses seeing them. They grabbed Sadie anyways and they must have done it for a reason. NCIS were brought in to talk to Sadie’s husband. They asked Caleb about enemies. He hesitated when he said he had none.

Caleb tried to walk that back when he later said they didn’t have enemies. Nor did they come in any money. Caleb was surprised like everyone else when the ransom call came in and the kidnappers demanded three million dollars. He didn’t have that money. His wife didn’t have that money.

Kate was with the FBI. She knew they couldn’t pay the full ransom. They would instead try to use the drop off to catching the kidnappers and rescuing Sadie. It was up to NCIS to keep Caleb calm. They asked him to go over everything.

His wife works as a manager at a health club. She couldn’t afford to join in spite of her discount. She had to attend as a guest of her friend and her friend didn’t have money either.

There was no evidence whatsoever that the Lathams had three million dollars. What was the kidnappers thinking? Caleb was losing it when his best friend showed up at the house. Brock Overton had heard what happened. He came over to supposedly check on Caleb. He was the only one that seemed to genuinely calm him.

Caleb has history with Brock. They were both a part of a convoy in Iraq. They got hit by an IED. Caleb and Brock were the only two to survive out of the convoy. Both returned stateside with a drinking problem.

Their convoy as well as everything connected to it was deemed classified. Caleb lied when he told both the FBI and NCIS that he’s never been involved in anything classified. He couldn’t technically admit to anything, but he was scary when he came back. His wife was afraid of him. She told her friend that she planned on leaving him to give them a much-needed break.

According to the friend, Caleb’s drinking problem got so bad that he hurt his wife. Its why she wanted the break. NCIS came to suspect that Sadie’s kidnapping involved Caleb. They suspected that Caleb had his friend kidnap his wife so that he could play the hero or possibly kill her without anyone knowing. They sat on his house. They saw him sneak out. They followed him to the cemetery when he started screaming. Caleb had just found the body of his best friend. Someone killed Brock and dumped him where the money used to be.

What money you say? Caleb and Brock were transporting three million dollars taken during a mission. Seven Marines died and the best friends figured they might as well as keep the money.

They let everyone believe that the money had gotten destroyed while they secretly smuggled it into the States. They buried it in Caleb’s family plot at the cemetery. The plan was to wait five years before they even looked at the money again. Brock and Caleb didn’t know how the kidnappers knew about the three million.

Brock was going to dig up the money so that they could afford the ransom. Someone grabbed the money and they also killed Brock. It just wasn’t the kidnappers. Or Caleb.

The kidnappers still called Caleb about the money. They told him he has an hour to drop it off or they were going to kill Sadie. Caleb dropped off the bag of about seventy grand. The rest was funny money. The kidnappers watched as someone they paid on TaskRabbitt picked up the money. And then the feds moved in to arrest the guy.

They knew that Caleb wasn’t going to pay. They called Caleb again. They killed Sadie in front of everyone. Only it was odd that they didn’t show her body. They just showed a shovel pummeling what could be Sadie or what could be a dummy. There was the slight chance that Sadie was in on the kidnapping.

They also knew Marlon Vega was involved as well. Vega was one of the few people that knew about the three million dollars. He was the traveling bank teller. He’s the one that got the money together and delivered it to the convoy in Iraq.

Vega lost his job when the money disappeared. He started drinking. He became addicted to narcotics. He was living in Hawaii and that’s when Sadie found him. Sadie planned everything.

She always planned on faking her death as well as pinning it all on Vega. NCIS caught up to Vega. They were forced to kill him when he refused to drop his weapon. Vega didn’t know that they had the money because his partner had played him. His partner followed Brock to the cemetery. They already had the money and that’s why she killed Brock.

They pretended to go along with the kidnapping to buy them some time. Sadie was “killed” when in reality she gets to play dead with three million dollars. The Medical Examiner put that together.

She said that the blood found at the scene had been stored. It wasn’t fresh. Plus, the blood spatter on the wall had been faked. Sadie played everyone. She just couldn’t fool the Medical Examiner. Tennant was informed about the ME’s findings. They began looking for Sadie. Sadie must have a partner. A real partner that she ran off with the money with.

That’s when they remembered her friend, Lana. The same Lana that claimed Sadie told her that Caleb was scary and implied that Caleb beat her. Lana was a part of the plot. She and Sadie were together. Sadie had an affair with Lana because Lana’s connections could get them fake passports. The two women were found in Fiji making out.

They were arrested and were going to be deported back to the States. Sadie quickly turned on Lana. She claimed the whole plan was Lana’s idea. She even said Lana was forced her to do it because she’s a monster. And so naturally Lana claimed it was all Sadie’s doing.

Sam’s ELITE taskforce was compromised when someone planted malware on a confiscated laptop. Thankfully, Ernie found it and he could help safeguard them.

