Gears of War 6 Release Date Speculation, News, Leaks, Story & More

Posted by Trudie Dory on Friday, June 7, 2024

Here's everything you need to know about the possible release date speculation, leaks, and story we suspect for Gears of War 6.

Ever since the release of Gears 5 back in 2019, fans have gained more and more anticipation for a new entry into the third-person shooter classic. So when will Gears of War 6 be released? What can we expect to see from it based on leaks, and what new story will this new title be focused on? 

Well, if these questions are on your mind, then you're in the right place. This article covers everything we know about the upcoming Gears of War 6 title, from its release date, leaks, story, and much more.  

Updated on 2 January 2024: This article was updated and checked for the latest 'Gears of War 6' news and leaks.

Latest Gears of War 6 News & Leaks

2 January 2024: Gears of War 6 teased for 2024 reveal?

6 December 2023: GoW 6 at The Game Awards 2023?

3 October 2023: Don't hold your breath!

Some new rumors suggest Gears of War 6 might not release until 2026 or later.

5 September 2023: Rumors suggest GoW 6 full open world

7 July 2023: Gears of War 6 development rumors going wild

4 April 2023: People are discussing Gears of War 6 development

7 March 2023: Full steam ahead on Gears 6 development?

Reports suggest that developer The Coalition is going full steam ahead on Gears of War 6 development after two other titles were canceled.

8 February 2023: Checked for new Gears of War 6 news.

No official word on Gears of War 6 just yet, but maybe we will see an announcement sometime in 2023?

8 December: Watch The Game Awards 2022 live!

There is almost no chance we will be seeing Gears of War 6 at The Game Awards 2022, but nothing is impossible.

Tune in the watch The Game Awards 2022 via the YouTube stream embedded below. It kicks off on 8 December at 7:30 PM ET / 4:30 PM PT and 9 December at 00:30 GMT.

6 December 2022: Gears of War 6 reveal or tease soon?

While unlikely, we can't help but hope for a Gears of War 6 reveal, tease, or any type of news during The Game Awards 2022, which takes place on 8th December.

Gears of War 6 Release Date Speculation

At the time of writing, there is no official confirmed release date for Gears of War 6, but in this article, you’ll find all (if any) information that the developer shared, as well as some speculation from Ginx on when we could see it launch.

Gears of War 6, known as "Gears 6," hasn't been officially announced by either the developers (Coalition) or the publisher (Xbox Games Studios). But thanks to the release cycle of previous Gears titles, we have some ideas about when we might see it. 

The developers would normally wait 2-3 years between releases, and we're now approaching three years since the release of Gears 5 in 2019. However, it appears that we may have to wait a little longer for the next installment of the series.

Back in 2021, The Coalition published a new blog post announcing the studio's transition to Unreal Engine 5. "Because transitioning to a new engine is a significant undertaking, we want to be clear that we will not be announcing any new projects or titles for some time," the studio said.

This could mean that we have to wait a few more years before we see Gears 6, and if we had to guess, a new game is still a few years away. The end of 2023 is an optimistic guess, but it's more likely. If all goes well, the Coalition will release Gears 6 in 2024 or 2025.

Gears of War 6 Leaks

Although there aren't any official leaks for Gears 6 at the moment, we do have some speculation about what we can expect. The game will likely stick to the third-person action game and cover shooter mechanics that have made the series famous. 

However, chances are high that the developers might want to change up the formulae slightly and freshen the experience for new and seasoned players. Perhaps Gears 6 might lean more into the open-world RPG mechanics introduced in Gears 5, though perhaps with a tighter focus. 

Although at the end of the day, these ideas are all speculation and don't reflect the actual gameplay experience as it will be released. So for now, we'll simply need to wait until The Coalition releases official information regarding Gears 6. 

Gears of War 6 Story - What To Expect

Despite being a sequel to Gears of War 4, Gears 5 took the unusual step of pivoting away from the game's main character. The main story of Gears 4 revolved around J.D. Fenix, the son of Marcus Fenix and Anya Stroud. However, in Gears 5, the focus shifts to Kait Diaz, a prominent side character from Gears 4 who accompanies J.D.

At the end of Gears 5, Kait must decide whether to save JD or Delmont "Del" Walker. Reyna, Kait's mother, then kills whoever she doesn't choose to save. Although it's unclear which death is accepted as canon, we do not doubt that Gears 6 will carry on Kait's quest to find her mother Reyna, the Queen of the Swarm.

Although there are two possible outcomes for The Coalition, we wouldn't rule out the possibility that Marcus Fenix will return to the lead role if the creative team decides to make JD's demise canon. There is undoubtedly something to be said about piquing fan interest in the franchise by having Marcus reprise his role as the protagonist as a furious, elderly father out for vengeance.

For now, all we can do is speculate as there's no official word regarding Gears 6, but needless to say, we're excited to see the future of this successful third-person shooter. So be sure to check back here soon for more news and updates regarding the game.

Shane Moosa

Written by Shane Moosa

Shane started his career as a freelance writer for Gamezo while working full-time as a software developer. You can often find Shane trying his hand at no-hit runs of Souls Games such as Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3 (and being quite unsuccessful). To relax, Shane will often boot up sessions of Overwatch 2 or Hunt: Showdown, but his interests are spread across various games, from AAA titles (He loved the Dead Space Remake and RE4 Remake) to indies such as Hollow Knight, Celeste, and Hades. Shane is always willing to try new games though, so feel free to drop him an email with what you think he should check out next.

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