Did WrestleMania 39 tease Aalyah Mysterio's future in WWE? Here's how

Posted by Valeria Galgano on Thursday, June 6, 2024

Aalyah Mysterio was at ringside along with her mother, Angie, at WrestleMania 39 to witness the match between Dominik and Rey Mysterio. The already personal match-up was made even more so after the rest of the Mysterio family got involved.

WrestleMania 39 might have potentially teased Aalyah's involvement in the Stamford-based promotion. Earlier in the match, Dominik stole the cup she was holding and tossed the contents to her face. The action angered the youngest Mysterio, prompting her to go over the barricade in an attempt to attack her brother.

She wasn't able to do anything more, as Rey Mysterio quickly came to the aid of her daughter. When the Hall of Famer went to Aalyah, Dominik capitalized and attacked Rey. Still, the 25-year-old Mysterio had more up his sleeve for his mother.

Dominik returned to ringside and began to insult Angie once again, but the latter finally had enough and slapped Dominik. After a couple more back-and-forths and the involvement of Finn Balor and Damian Priest, the 2023 version of LWO, and even Bad Bunny, Rey Mysterio managed to win.

After the bout, Damian and Finn aided Dominik backstage. Meanwhile, Aalyah Mysterio and Angie joined the SmackDown star to celebrate his massive victory in the WrestleMania 39 ring.

Aalyah Mysterio has appeared in other WWE programs aside from WrestleMania 39

The youngest Mysterio is not new to many WWE fans, making her presence known in 2020 when she was involved in her first storyline. At the time, she was involved in Dominik and Rey's feud against Seth Rollins and Buddy Matthews (fka Buddy Murphy). Aalyah Mysterio even began an on-screen romantic storyline with the now AEW star.

She appeared once more backstage during Rey Mysterio's 20th Anniversary celebration on RAW, where she had a physical altercation with Judgment Day member Rhea Ripley.

From the looks of it, Aalyah could possibly be thinking of a career inside the ring alongside her father and brother. If that is the case, the 2023 Hall of Famer is more than happy to help her train, like he did with Dominik years ago.

"She [Aalyah] hasn’t asked the question, but it’s funny you asked me that because my wife, she asked me a couple of days ago, she goes: 'what would you say if your daughter came at you and said Dad, I want to become a wrestler?' I said 'I would be the first one to train her, just like I did with Dom!' She said ‘No you wouldn’t’ [laughs]. I would! I would back her up 100 percent," said Rey Mysterio.

It will be interesting to see if Aalyah Mysterio joins her father and brother in the wrestling ring in the future.

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