Demi Moores new plastic surgery denial: I have stretch marks!

Posted by Fernande Dalal on Thursday, June 6, 2024

Over the weekend, an early excerpt of Demi Moore’s interview in French Marie Claire came out. I honestly thought that Marie Claire might be making up the quotes, because I had never seen Demi Moore go on the defensive quite so much about all of those plastic surgery rumors. Demi said the rumors were “completely false” and went on to pontificate, “I’ve never had it done. But I would never judge those who have. If it’s the best thing for them, then I don’t see a problem. I don’t like the idea of having an operation to hold up the ageing process – it’s a way to combat your neurosis. The scalpel won’t make you happy. That said, the day when I start crying when I look at myself in the mirror might be the day when I’m less adamant about not having it done. But for the moment I prefer to be a beautiful woman of my age than try desperately to look 30.”

As it turns out, Demi actually said that sh-t. And now that everyone is calling her out, she’s sticking with her story. Demi took to Twitter and fought back against the accusations that her face is pulled too tight to tell the truth or whatever:

Demi Moore is fighting back at allegations she’s had hundreds of thousands of dollars in plastic surgery.

Following up on her recent denial of going under the knife, Moore responded to some incredulous people on Twitter Monday night insisting that having her three daughters has left her with stretch marks and extra skin.

The avid tweeter replied to someone who claimed that Moore could not go from stretch marks and saggy skin, once on display in an old paparazzi shot of her at the beach, to the fine form she shows off now.

Demi’s response?

“I still have excess skin & stretch marks!”

When someone responded to that remark with disbelief, saying she did not, Moore followed up with, “Ahh hate to break it to you but I do. Comes with having a few kids 4 some of us!”

[From the Huffington Post]

Ah… it’s not an “all or nothing” proposition Demi! We could conceivably buy that you’ve only had work done on your face, and not your body. Using the “stretch mark” defense doesn’t really answer the question of “why is your forehead pulled so tight you look like you have a receding hairline?”

I’ll say this again – I don’t really care that Demi has had some work done. She looks beautiful, she seems happy, good for her and God bless. It’s the lies I hate. The lies, and the idea that she thinks we’re too dumb to notice. I hate that.

Sidenote – Us Weekly has a poll up right now asking, “Do You Believe Demi Moore’s Claim That She’s Never Had Plastic Surgery?” Right now it’s 84.8% who think she’s a total liar. Vote early and vote often!

Demi Moore is shown on 8/5/09, 4/30/09, 2/11/09, and 11/26/08. Credit:
