David Duchovny Sells NYC Home So He Can Come Out About His Affair With Gillian Anderson? CDL Exc

Posted by Fernande Dalal on Tuesday, June 11, 2024

David Duchovny Sells NYC Home So He Can Come Out About His Affair With Gillian Anderson? - CDL Exclusive

Is this what we’ve all been waiting for?  Will David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson finally go public? Ex-couple David Duchovny and Tea Leoni have put their Manhattan maisonette up for sale. Are the two divesting themselves of property gearing up for a divorce or in the wake of a quiet divorce they’ve kept under wraps? Their 5 bedroom, 4 1/2 bath 78th street pad was three artist studios that they bought and combined in a massive renovation.

The property is up for sale with a hefty $9.25 million price tag and may be well worth it. The then-married Tea and David bought the triplex maisonette in 2008 for $6.25 million the same year they broke up in the wake of his “sex addiction.” Wanting to have sex with other women isn’t like doing drugs, right? Don’t all men like sex? Seems his stint in rehab only cured him of wanting to have sex with his wife Tea because although they reunited and renewed their vows in 2009, they called it quits again.

They officially split in 2011, but it’s much more likely that they had been estranged for some time, possibly even divorced. And selling their Manhattan apartment may be cutting the final tether that will allow David to move on with his purported X-Files lover Gillian Anderson.

He and Gillian have been spotted by neighbors swimming together in the pool of his West Coast mansion in LA where they are reportedly living together, along with her children. But will selling the apartment free David up to come out of the closet with Gillian so they can finally go public as a couple?

Speaking to Moviehole website about a possible X-Files sequel to 2008’s I Want to Believe, Gillian said if the sequel happens, both she and David are on-board to star. She told the site, “The answer to the next inevitable question is yes, should the latter happen, David and I – I can answer for him because we live together – would be on board to do it. Given that we haven’t split up by then which would just be plain awkward.

Moviehole said Gillian was “poking fun” at rumors they’re together, but I don’t know. Could this be her tongue in cheek way of confirming their relationship? I think it was. If they’re not together, this is a remark David might take offense at, particularly if he were seeing someone else. The very fact that she felt comfortable tossing his name around is a sign that Gillian feels she can speak for him… Hmm…

Thanks for the confirmation Gil. We still believe!

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