Corpse Husband teases one of his tattoos and fans want a "tattoo reveal"

Posted by Sherie Connelly on Sunday, June 16, 2024

Corpse Husband alludes to having a tattoo of his favorite video game, Final Fantasy X, and it may be the next thing he reveals of himself.

Corpse and his friends talk about video games a lot, and recently, they moved into a conversation about Final Fantasy X. They talked about Blitzball, a minigame unique to that installment of Final Fantasy, and how much they loved it. They talked about the cinematics and how great they looked.

Then Corpse felt comfortable enough to say that he might have a tattoo of Final Fantasy X. Unfortunately, they didn't stay on the subject, but it is interesting to think about. Fans were very interested in the idea of possibly seeing his tattoo.

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Some said that it makes sense for Corpse to be sporting tattoos and they expected him to have a lot. There is a picture of Corpse online that shows his sleeveless forearm.

Image via Corpse Husband
Image via YouTube comments

As seen in the picture, Corpse doesn't have any tattoos on his arms. He may have this tattoo under his shirt, which would make sense. Corpse Husband isn't the kind of person to show off his tattoos or any part of himself, so hiding a tattoo sounds like something he would do.

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Corpse Husband really likes Final Fantasy X

The entire conversation is centered around the game, because Corpse Husband really likes it. He talks about replaying it and discusses where the hardest parts of the game are. He even said that the cinematics were far ahead of their time. It is very clear that if Corpse has a tattoo, it is of this game.

Corpse does not talk very often while playing. He is known for being quiet and surprising people with his deep voice when he does talk. Even when he got angry in a game, he was fairly quiet.

It's nice to see him speak more, but it would be even nicer to have another partial reveal.

Related: The tragic life of Corpse Husband and his meteoric rise to fame

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