Angelina Jolie was not eating much during the Unbroken filming, says Miyavi

Posted by Trudie Dory on Sunday, June 9, 2024


Here are some photos of Angelina Jolie at the Director’s Guild in NYC on Friday evening, which is where she screened Unbroken. I keep forgetting that Angelina isn’t just interested in an Oscar nomination for Best Director – she’s probably interested in a DGA nomination too. Anyway, the photo agencies are making a big deal about how much time she spent mingling with her fans. She did the same thing outside The Daily Show Thursday night – she even took a few minutes to comfort a Brangeloonie having a panic attack!

In these pics, Angelina spent time on the rope line, taking selfies with fans and posing with “Radio Man,” the famous homeless man who does appearances in film and TV (he’s always on The Late Show, isn’t he?). You know what the selfies reminded me of? The famous “Oscar selfie” from earlier this year, where Angelina actually WAVED to the camera, because she doesn’t get the whole selfie thing. Well, she’s a quick learner, isn’t she? As for her outfit here – I’m sure she chose the coat because it’s a sack in coat-form, and she has consistently excellent taste in boots.

Meanwhile, Angelina’s Unbroken men did a Q&A with HuffPo – you can see the video here. The most interesting reveal is that Miyavi said that Angelina was “not eating much” during the production. He said: “It was surprising how much she trusted me, all of us, on the set. She was so determined. I was also surprised how skinny she got. You know, she was not eating much. I felt so bad I was the only one who got fat during filming.” Oh no, Miyavi! The first rule of Brangelunacy is that one must never discuss Angie’s weight!! But it does sound like all of the guys are pretty much in love with her.



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
